News :
- release of the albums DRIFT NOWHERE PAST and
- collaboration MAZE/Annea Lockwood at Rewire Festival
- Current 93 concerts in London, Hastings, Stockholm,
Espoo, Asker, Athens and Prague
- solo concerts at KM28 Berlin, Riverrun Albi, HCMF
Huddersfield, Centro D'Arte Padova, Tilburg, The Hague
Echonance Festival #3 Amsterdam
- dance production CRYWHY with Alvin Curran and
Moritz Ostruchnjak in München
- premières Jürg Frey at SLOW festival Brugge
and Intro In Situ Maastricht
- tour AMYGDALA with Plan Kruutntoone at OCCII
Amsterdam, Kreuz an St Helena Bonn, De Pletterij
Haarlem, POM Eindhoven, Oostum
Circles,Reeds & Memories:with Germaine Sijstermans & Koen Nutters(Elsewhere)
Reinier van Houdt : Drift Nowhere Past/The Adventure Of Sleep (Elsewhere)
Reinier van Houdt : Mouths Without A Head (CD Discreet Editions)
Jürg Frey : Lieues D'Ombres (3CD's Elsewhere)
Francisco López: Untitles #400 (CD Dischi D'Angelica)
Annea Lockwood/MAZE: Bayou Borne/Jitterbug (CD MFR)
Future Releases :
Alessandro Bosetti : Carnaval Deux (LP 3:4 Records)
ILINX: Machines à Flipper (CD Futura Resistenza)
Giuseppe Chiari : Intervalli (Alga Marghen LP)
Jürg Frey: Composer Alone (3CD's Elsewhere)
"The artists are at work
their assignment is appearances
the artist can make you look like somebody's brother
make you hear footsteps on the landing
the artist comes to your place, while you are gone
and when you return?
you don't live there anymore
or - anywhere"
Robert Ashley, "eL/Aficionado"
Reinier van Houdt, musician